
View Contributor Activity

Select the repository you are interested in, to view the total number of commits of each contributor in the table on the left and the number of commits per time interval in the barchart on the right.

Screenshot that shows the number of commits per time interval

View total commits over time

Switch to the Linechart to view the total number of commits of all contributors over time.

Screenshot that shows the total commits per contributor over time

Highlight a single Contributor

When a single contributor is selected in the commits table, their contributions are highlighted in the Bar- and Linechart.

Animated gif that shows selecting a contributor highlights their contributions in the chart

Merge Contributors

While committing, contributors sometimes use different names and e-Mail addresses. Use the merge contributors feature to total the commits per contributor, even if they used multiple aliases.

Merge contributors by clicking the pin and merge button

Filter By Date

By default, the total number commits since the creation of the repository are shown. You can filter the commits by specifying the date range you are interested in, to see only the changes that took place in that specific time period. A drop-down provides quick access to the most common ranges, like 'last month'.

Show only contributions from last month

Export to Excel (.xlsx)

The table can be exported as an excel sheet (.xslx) by clicking the 'Excel' button.

Export to Comma Separated Value (.csv)

The table can also be exported as a Comma Separated Value file (.csv) by clicking the 'Csv' button.

Combine Stats from multiple Repositories

Combining totals from multiple repositories is easy via multi-selection.

Multi-select repositories to show combines stats